Thursday, June 30, 2011

Struck by a desire to blog...

Hmmmmmmph. It's summer, and I'm sitting in my room after a morning of work and a large lunch. I'm going to blog now. I really don't know what I'm going to write about, but it's been a while, and I feel like I have some reflecting to do so here it goes...

First year of grad school done. It was amazing. I know I use that word a lot, but I really don't know how else to describe this past year. It was a lot. A fantastic lot. I'm still trying to process all of it...actually fuck that, I'm NOT trying because I feel like trying to process it would end up with me working too hard, and creating a block. So, I'm just gonna let the juices of year 1 wash over me, and I'm gonna marinade.

Here are some of the things I think I've realized during/post year 1 of Columbia University's MFA Acting Program:
1. how little I know
2. how much I know...I ♥ my experiential brain.
3. how much appreciation my body deserves
4. how pleasurable this work can be
5. how nice it can be to let myself need people, say what I mean, and ask for what I want/need
6. how important patience is
7. how important proactivity is
8. lastly, how important it is to voice/write your experiences.

Sounds general, right? I could talk about each of them for hours though...hmmmmm...I say I grasp these things, but do I? Most of the time...okay...I'm gonna turn on the crock pot and let that list do a little slow cooking, because shit like that cannot be figured out over the course of a blog post.

So here's a quick update on my life this summer:
1. worked on an original play for a comic book theatre festival
2. worked on a theatrical dada collage, part of the Mabou Mines Resident Artist Program (under Daniel Irizarry)
3. been working at a restaurant, The Stanton Social (enjoyable)
4. been babysitting a sweet 14-month-old (enjoyable)
5. been working as a "model" at Abercrombie & Fitch on 5th ave (I'm tolerating it...)

I've been busy. Very busy. Busy since school ended on May 8th.

Some of the pros to being this busy/doing all that I have been doing are:
1. meeting lots of great people
2. getting really great at trekking my way around NYC ( a year ago, I didn't know which subway went where, now tourists ask me about the MTA and I can answer)
3. I'm NEVER bored, and free time is like gold

Life in NYC is not simple, so you have to find simple things to do to ground you. This summer I've been reading a lot. I've read The Help and Bossypants. Now I'm reading Just Kids, by Patti Smith and loving it. I'm finding a lot of comfort in it, and it's really adding flavor the post-year 1 marination. I'm reading for pleasure this summer. It's great. I look forward to getting in bed with my book/kindle after days of mediocre wages and public transit.

Next on the reading list is a whole lot of Shakespeare/Elizabethan background materials. Kristin sent out a list of reads and assigned us each a sonnet. 33 and I are getting to know each other. I also want to get a head start on some Chekhov. We'll be working on that with Andrei. Excitement.

Before school starts though I want to see a lot more of the city...learn to play the ukulele...collect a few records...and make some jewelry...


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holidays and Reflection of my incredible first semester...

Hi, Dollies!

So, I'm chillin' at my grandparents' house in Oregon, which for those of you who haven't been here, is like magic. It's beautiful, it smells good, there are candy dishes everywhere, 2 golden retrievers (Shelley and Susanna), amazing food (even though I'm still gluten and dairy free for the time being, G-ma found stuff), I get to sleepin the brass day bed I've slept in since I was a toddler (this year they even found the missing Musical Rocking Horse that we used to wind up and fall asleep to every night, and yes at 22, I wound it up and drifted off last night), and of course family. I mean, it's one of the most comforting places in the world for me. My aunt, uncle, and cousins will be here soon and we're going to spend a fun Christmas together as adult children. Wow. We're missing my sweet brother, Darren, an army soldier, who is deployed to Afghanistan, and my sister, Rhiannon, who has to work to pay all her LA bills. We miss them sooo much!

So, I'm sitting here with a cup of tea in the office, reflecting on how specialthis year has been for me. 2010 has been very good to me. I got accepted into a dream MFA Acting program, graduated from Chico State (after an amazing final semester of memories with Pop Girls, and Chico friends), I somehow got the courage and the money to attend this dream MFA program in the city I've always dreamtof living in...and my first semester was the most amazing 4 months of my life!!! Seriously, if there is a risk that scares you, but you know in you gut, and in your heart that you'll have that "what it?" feeling haunting you your whole life if you don't do it...DO IT! Paula once said to me, "Paige, go for this, you regret the things you don't do, not the things you do."She was right.

I can't even put into words how amazing school has been. I already feel like I've grown immensely as an actor, as an artist, and as an individual. I 've never been so excited about this work, felt more capable of this work (and I mean that in the most humble, and reverential way, you just have to try...that's doing it...trial and error...risking looking/feeling stupid). Ahhhhhh, it's allso freeing! These three years are a golden opportunity to grow, and learn for so many reasons. I'm young, I'm in a safe place, I'm not a slave to the industry or the dollar bill yet. I want to savor this time. I feel ME...

And the people I've met. OH. MY. GAWD. My classmates, are wonderful, and taking the journey of this first wasn't easy, but it was much easier than I imagined it would be working as an ensemble. It's been, (dare I jinx it?) a joy! Everyone is so hardworking, and intelligent, and fun! Our teachers are the friggin' best! They crack me up, and they have been so wonderful this first semester. I'm so excited tokeep working with them. They all offer such different techniques, and different safe environments to work in. It's the craziest, most inspiring mash up training! And the 2nd and 3rd years have been great big siblings and friends! Ugh, I could gush all day. I am head over heels for Columbia's MFA Acting program. Next semester is going to be so exciting.

For now though, I'm going to enjoy my holidays with friends and fam. Christmas in Oregon with the Pattersons, New Years in Washington with Marissa and Co. and the rest of my time off in January with friends and fam in SoCal. Relaxing, reading, researching, and lots of laughing too!

I'm so grateful for my friends and fam (you all know who you are), the theatre, art, and for all the laughing til I pissed my pants I did this year!


kisses, giggle, and feathery, sparkly love to you all!

Happy Holidays!

your ecstatic Paige/Peach/Paj Patterson

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick Update on My Life as a Columbia Graduate Actor ♥

Hi, Dollies!

So, I'm waiting for my laundry to dry (that and acne are the things that irks me the most about this new chapter in my life...I was so spoiled having my own washer and dryer all of those years, but if pulling a granny cart and doing your laundry in a laundromat is one of the most annoying things in your life, you're doing ok). I decided to take a break from memorizing lines to do a quick blog post. I've neglected it so.

So basically I'm in my 5th week of grad school, and I'm still very much in love. It's a little less novel now, but still very honeymooney. It's super BUSY (although 1st year is nothing compared to 2nd year), and challenging, and crazy, but it's the kind of work I want, and need, to be doing. I definitely feel like I made the right choice to take the financial risk to be a part of this program. My teachers are AMAZING, my class is full of kind, mature, intelligent, BRAVE, funny, supportive artists, and I'm so grateful to be doing what I'm doing.

I've settled into my new place. I love the location, and my roommates are fabulous. I wouldn't have traded the Pop House for anything (and I miss it very much), but, as a grad student, it's very refreshing to live with people who aren't theatre people. I live with a guy who works in engineering, a 3rd year law student, and an engineer, turned fashion design student. I love it. Love it. Love it.

I finished decorating my room, and I have a great space of my own. I lofted my bed, so I only get in my bed to sleep, which I love. I have an armchair for reading, and lounging, a nice little desk for working and journaling, a real closet this time, and space to pace when learning lines. I love it. Here are some pics (you may have seen them on fb):

So, yeah, I'm enjoying my place, I've settled into a nice routine. I feel like I'm to take much better care of myself here, than I did in undergrad: thanks to student loans, a rigorous, but not inhumane schedule, and the fact that I don't have to take GE's (therefore I make better use of your time because I'm doing what I'm love).

The things I'm learning in classes are so helpful and beautiful. I feel like I'm learning tools that'll carry me through sooo many diverse situations, productions, jobs, roles, whatever. We're learning how to think about ourselves, and acting, and art in such a healthy way. I really just can't even articulate the breadth of incredible concepts and techniques I feel like I've become aware of in these 5 weeks. I'm just blown away by all of it. I feel so blessed.

In school, my class and I are all working hard at freeing our natural voices with Kristin and Andrea, exploring Greek Tragedy with Ulla, Greek Comedy, Fables, and amazing movement training with "The Nicky Machine", learning various forms of dance from Livia, working on contemporary American/Canadian/British Scenes with Larry, and working on scenes from the American Classics with Andrei. In addition to our classes, we're The Chorus in a staged reading of Medeia, directed by Kristin, with some of the 2nd year actors as the principles. We'll all perform it for some of the undergrads at Columbia. TREAT!

On top of being immersed in what I love at school, Columbia offers the theatre students tons of free tickets, so I get to see lots of professional theatre. It's so great because I'm getting a feel for what's popular now, I feel a little more up-to-date with what's going on in the field I'd like to break into, and I get to see what I'm learning in action (whether it's working or not) and it's so helpful and informative. Plus, it's fun to attend things with friends and classmates. Loves it! I've estimated the amount all the shows I've seen would've cost so far, and it's something close to $1,600. Insane. I'm keeping a journal on all of the shows I get to see, and I try to diligently write reflections after every show. My faves thus far have been Brief Encounter, Next To Normal, The 39 Steps (it was just fun!), and La Bete (Mark Rylance is a genius).

I've been able to still have a little bit of social life. Work hard, play hard. I get to go out on weekends and stuff. I get to hang with my Pop Girls/Chico friends sometimes, and it's always fun! All of my new Columbia friends are gems. :)

Basically, I'm just sooooo grateful to be in NYC, in grad school. I'm grateful to have such amazing friends, family, and teachers in my life. I'm just trying to live life to the fullest, and enjoy each moment of this special time in my life.

I couldn't ask for too much more. I'm living my dream. I'm planning on finding time to make some jewelry again sometime soon, but for now I'm going to go memorize some lines.

I love you guys! Miss my fam and Chico/Cali friends. Keep me posted on your lives. Call me whenever, but be prepared to hear me gush ;). I'm also on skype now: paigepeachpatterson. Let's do it!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

So, I guess...I live in Manhattan now...

All I can say right now is, wow. God is good. Life is good. And I feel blessed.

So, after months of applications, statements of purpose, audition prep and friends and I went to grad school auditions in Chicago at the end of January...then, we all auditioned for tons of schools...then, the one school that is really interested in me was Columbia (which I applied for expecting to have to audition 3 years in a row before they'd even really CONSIDER calling me back)...and I cried because I thought it'd be a waste to go (why would they take me? they must call everyone back, if they're calling me back!) and I thought I could never in a million years finance and education like that. Then, I decided to adjust my attitude and go and try to get on a plane to NYC (for the first time in my life) and take this amazing opportunity, but then the weekend of those callbacks, there were awful storms, and flights were canceled. Then, once the storm cleared up, flights were overbooked, and there sat I...and standby passenger, a redheaded standby passenger halfway to New York (mmmm Houston) with equal amounts of hope and and a protective shield of realistic doubt in my heart. Then 2 passengers got stuck in Cancun and I heard those magical words, "Passenger Patterson?", and I received a beautiful boarding pass, and I got on a plane to LaGuardia. I made it to the call back, a day in which we really got to sample the professors, play A LOT, and chat with the current students. That day proved to be one of the coolest days of my young life. Lauren and I sat on the crosstown bus that evening on our way back to Marianne's (our sweet friend, cheerleader, and host) in a state of awe and wonder. That day made me realize why I love acting. There was no masochism involved. I wasn't judging myself. I just enjoyed being there, I laughed, I was in awe of those teachers and my fellow auditioners, and I left thinking, "Wow, it would be a dream to get in, but I would audition again next year just for the opportunity to attend that life-changing workshop of a call back again."

So, I went back home to Chico, washed clean of a lot of cynicism and doubt. Then, that Friday, I got a voicemail of acceptance. We cried, and flipped out in the costume shop (which I miss, dearly!!!!). And Lauren got in tooooooo! It was blissful and exciting...and then I got my acceptance letter, and the little card that I was to send back checking yes or no...but then I saw that that little card was to be sent back to Columbia accompanied by a check or money order for $800...and I cried. I didn't have $800, it must be a sign. If you can't afford the tiny deposit, how're you going to be able to afford to attend the most expensive school in the country (yeah, it's true, check U.S. news!!!)? So, I began to doubt my dream again. I figured now mustn't be the right time. Then, the angels in my life, my friends and family helped me (and my amazing Pop Girls who also got into schools of their dreams!), and in a week and a half...I had $800. I'm tearing up a little just writing this, like honestly, I don't know what I did to deserve my friends and family, but I'm so grateful for you guys, I could burst.

So, then I was in, I was going...then I had the stress of funding the education. All of spring and summer were peppered with the stress of finding a place to live in NYC, and more importantly financing my education on my own. I doubted my financial worthiness of my dream like you would not believe. Still, I knew that I had to try.

After an amazing summer of relaxing at home, spending time with friends, visiting my brother in Germany, visiting family in Lake Tahoe, getting to spend a whole week with my bestie since 7th grade, and of course making accessories (my favorite, most relaxing hobby, which I have been so blessed to have been able to a little source of income), I began turning my sights back to NYC. It was a waiting game, trying to get on a flight out of California, but on Tuesday, August 10th...I made it all the way here to New York. Cindy K, came to fetch me from the airport (she even had all my bags from the baggage claim by the time I made it down there). She and her roommate Rick have been so wonderful. They let me stay, they don't complain that my luggage is polluting their living rooms, and they make me laugh too. Lauren is here now too, and she lets me stay, and we explore, and share our pre Columbia excitement!!!

So, when I first got here, I was actually pretty homesick. I was so happy to be here, but I missed my family like crazy. When I first got to Chico in 2006, I LOVED every minute, and I never once felt homesick. In fact, I didn't start missing home until like, my junior year of college, but here I am at 22, missing my home and family day 1 in NYC. Homesickness and NYC culture shock aside, I began plugging away at searching for housing. Craigslist and Starbucks were my best friends. I needed a room to rent (preferably close to school and furnished) and Cindy's wifi isn't set up yet, so that is how I came to spend hours upon hours with Craiglist and Starbucks. I wrote about 30 e-mails, and I looked at 7 or 8 places (but most places...just didn't feel right...I felt like I wouldn't feel at home) and then, after a week of full time searching I found a gem. My new place is a 5-10 minute walk from school (the main campus, and the Schapiro), cheaper than EVERYTHING I looked at (750/month for rent, 820/with utilites and cable/ seems expensive, but it's VERY reasonable for Manhattan, ya'll), it's in a cute, safe area, the apartment is a renovated 4 bedroom, 2 bath, equipped with a beautiful kitchen full of new appliances (including a DISHWASHER, which is unheard of here), and my future roomies are wonderful. 2 of them are Columbia grads (Stephan is now a professional, and Aisling is going back to school at FIT, to pursue her dream of becoming an fashion designer), and 1 of them, Bin, is a 3rd year law student at Columbia. They're all very driven 20-somethings, who work hard/play hard, so I think it'll work out well.

So, then I had a place, but still lacked like 2/3 of my financial aid. I had been waiting to hear whether or not I qualified for grad plus loans (the federal loans that supplement any other aid you receive, allowing you to borrow up to your cost of attendance, which includes tuition, room and board, books, transportation, all of it). So, I called because I was confused about something, and a very nice Financial Aid office employee helped me out, and made sure that Columbia processed my loan application. 2 hours after I called and he helped me request all the money I needed, I logged into Student Services Online, and all of my loans were there. I may even be able to borrow less than what I've been awarded. I couldn't believe my eyes. The stress of 6 months was gone. I am going to Columbia, and I didn't need to borrow anyone's credit to do it. My dream is actually coming's unreal...I don't know what I did to deserve this, but thank you, God, and and thank you to all of my friends, family, and mentors for encouraging me, loving me and reminding me that "our doubts are traitors". "GRATEFULLLLLLLL" is how I feel all day every day right now.

Now, I have to finish my summer homework, and read, and choose a sexy Greek monologue. I can't wait to get my student i.d. card, so I can go in the library and soak it all up. I can't wait to meet my acting class (CUGA '13!!!!! We get to learn from some of the most amazing theatre professionals in the world, and then they throw in Dianne Wiest for a month!!!?) and all of the other fabulous people in the Theatre Program here. I can't wait to attend classes and soak up all the my teachers have to offer (and soak up their mannerisms, so I can tell everyone stories about my wonderful, genius teachers, who I am sure will make me laugh, cry and appreciate technique and myself more than I ever knew I could). I can't wait to get to know this place better, and I can't wait to be a resource for my friends who want to come out here and do this too. I couldn't be doing what I am doing without people guiding me. I feel so lucky and blessed, and all I keep thinking is, "What can I give in return, for everything I have been given? How can I pay it forward?" I hope that I can work harder than hard here at school, learn all I can, make all the connections that I can, and press on to make my career dreams a reality, so that I can be a helpful connection for people. It would be really nice to someday make enough money to give out scholarships too!!!!!

That'll be great, but I know that for now I have to keep the faith, enjoy every day (even though grad school is not going to be a bed of roses, there WILL be days where I feel like quitting), never lose wonder and appreciation of my surroundings and the people in my life. For now though, I'm going to enjoy these next few weeks until school starts. Things fell into place in a way that I never dreamed they would, and now I'm going to do my work, and pray (please pray with me for our troops and my brother, and our favorite Bill Johnson), and smile, and walk around this place like a boss (as you must, unless you want to get trampled or hit on) with a heart full of love, sparkling, feathery big dreams, and gratitude (I was NEVER alone in this).

I'm living my dream. And I cry because it's possible. ♥

Monday, June 21, 2010

Impromtu NYC Trip! A Novella for you :)

(Waiting at the John Wayne Airport for our flight to Newark. B got a new camera.)

Hiiiiiiiii, Babies! So, I just got back from an amazing impromtu NYC trip. We were originally going to check out a room, but it turned out it wasn't a prime location for me :(

Buuuuuuuuut, we went anyway!

It was only my 2nd time in the city (the first time I went was in February for my Columbia callback, and THAT was a crazy whirlwind and I hardly saw anything). I went with my stepmom and my stepsister, Brenna. None of us had any commitments, and because my amazing dad is a pilot, we can fly for free (it's not as easy as it seems though, we fly standby...not complaining though, it's such a blessing!) We flew out of Orange County on Monday and made the first flight to Newark.

(Brenna's pics. On the plane to Newark, and on the train from Newark to NYC)

We crashed in Newark, and took the train into NYC the next day. Then we met up with my amazing, generous friend Marianne's little girls (who're the most grown-up, well adjusted tweens you'll ever meet). The girls led us to their place, which Marianne let us crash at her place on the Upper East Side while she was visiting Chico (that was the greatest gift we could've been given). We were so grateful to have that place and their hilarious cat was fun to come home to each night.

(We literally pissed our pants, during this cat photoshoot!!!!!)

So the first night we were there, we went to Big Daddy's Diner with Emily and Audrey, then returned back to their apartment to eat a huge piece of chocolate cake and watch their new favorite show, Pretty Little Liars. We had such a great time talking to them about their lives in NYC and their plans for applying to high schools. I'll be praying for them to get into the perfect, most fulfilling high schools! :)

The next morning (Wednesday) they left bright and early and made it all the way to California that day (which was wonderful because they fly standby too!). Meanwhile, Laura, Brenna, and I walked all over and ended up in Central Park. Then we took the subway up toward Columbia. We made it to Columbia (after a brief stint in Harlem, my bad...yeah...I got us lost a lot, but it was a great learning experience). We walked around campus, and admired it's beauty. It still so surreal.

Then, I got in touch with one of my future classmates, the wonderful Mr. Bill Coyne, and we met him for coffee near Times Square/in Hell's Kitchen. It was awesome because I had never seen that crazy, bustling area before and it was so exciting! Bill was so great to talk to and soooooo helpful. He's already all up in the business, and he's been in the city for a while, so he was able to answer so many questions and offer so much insight! He told us how to rush a show and showed us where some of the cool theatre sights were. I look forward to working with him next year!

Then, the rest of the day we sort of meandered around the Theatre District, walked down 5th Avenue, and all that jazz. By the end of the day though, we were a little overstimulated, and we had put in what felt like a 10 hour Disneyland day, so we perched at The Hard Rock Cafe for a snack (which was a little touristy, but fun). Then we headed back home to rest up for the next day. We were craving something sweet, that night, so we went out in search of ice cream and discovered the amazing Emack & Bolio's, which is def not on the west coast. We got hooked real quick.

(Hard Rock Cafe: the 3 of us with Janis hahahahaha, and Brenna and I cracking up at something with matching body language)

Miss Marissa Wilhelm paid a visit to Marianne's place that lovely, rainy night on her way up to New Hampshire for her Shakespeare gig. It was cool to see her and I hope you're having a great time in rehearsal, Miss Thang!

Thursday, we were going to get up early and try to get rush tickets, so I could see my first Broadway show, but that didn't happen. We ended up getting a later start. (I was beyond excited to receive the e-mail with my summer reading list and class schedule, and other info regarding school in the fall that morning). We got our morning coffee and headed toward The World Trade Center (after stopping in the East Villiage for lunch). Brenna, saw it a few years ago, and wanted to see it again after watching a documentary about the tragedy in school. There's really not much to see anymore though. It's all construction.

After Wall Street and all that we decided to take the train up to show Brenna NYU (she loves New York too and has considered moving out there for school, which I would LOVE!). We checked out some of the buildings, of course you can't really go in without a school id, and the area around it. Then we went back up to the Upper East Side, had an amazing buffalo chicken pizza for dinner, and headed back up to Marianne's to nap. When we got up from our nap, and got ice cream AGAIN!. That night, I go a text from my amazing Columbia "big sis", Dani Faitelson. She and some of her classmates invited me to go out in the meatpacking district. SO, I brought my little sis (shhhhhhh) and we took the subway down to meet them (after I got lost again, and my phone died of course, see imagine what would've become of me had I not brought the minor out) at this bitchin club, called The Griffin. I got to hang out with the lovely ladies: Kate Flanagan, Melissa Pedro, and Dani too! We had a great time dancing (it was so cute to see Brenna dance all night! She is such a good, fun girl. She never drank one sip of alcohol. She kept it legal with H20 and danced all night!). Dani, Mel and Kate got me even more excited about school next year! They were so real, and down to earth and it's exciting to meet new friends! We stayed out hella late...rolled in at 4 am and cracked up when we were going to sleep and the cat took a gnarley dump that stunk up the place. Goooooood times!

(And I thought Chico feet were bad...)

The next morning (Friday, our last day) we get a late start, due to post-going out fatigue. We had a small brunch and headed back up to Columbia to meet with Julie Rossi, the Director of Academic Administration for Theatre Arts at Columbia, who kindly showed me around the Theatre Office. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get much info about housing and fin. aid due to limited summer hours, but all in good time. :) Then, we went to the bookstore and bought my dad a hat and a shirt and thumbed through books. After campus, we went to this Thai place that we really liked, called Lime Leaf. It was right by the school and we went twice! LOL.

After our second visit to Columbia, we headed down to Soho. Brenna wanted to go to Forever 21 (which was a nightmare, hot and waaaaaaay too crowded) and we wanted to see the infamous hotspot. It was so cute and I thought to myself, when it's not so touristy, Psquared would have a great time here! We got hot and tired of shopping so we got out third and final Emack and Bolio's ice cream, and took the subway (during rush hour, which was crazy and left us with numerous, people watching induced, inside jokes) to Central Park again. We sat and did more people watching, then we took the crosstown bus back toward Marianne's, had a nice dinner, tidied up our mess in the apartment and packed up to go home.

(Our last day: we were friggin' BEAT and PUNCHY, while people watching in the park)

We made it back home Saturday night, in time for a lovely Father's Day yesterday!

The trip was great. Even though, I'm still in the dark about a lot of things, it was great to explore without much of an agenda, get used to public transportation and spend time with new friends (not only will I have my Chico in NYC network, I'll have so many great Columbia/NY friends). I feel soooo much better about going out now. The excitement is outweighing the fear (just found out that Dianne Wiest will be filling in in September for Andrei Serban in our Acting Studio I class! :D) . Although, the fear is good. If this weren't scary, it wouldn't be worth doing. :)

Welp, there's a book for you about my NYC trip. It was a blessing, and I'm so excited for what's next! Dreams, dreams, dreams.

I love you all so much! Chico people, I miss you much and think about you all every day! Enjoy your summers and believe in your dreams, and I'll try to do the same! xoxoxoxo

Here's some inspiration for you:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Taylor Swift - Fearless

Finding Inspiration in Taylor Swift

So, I have had lots of free time on my hands lately. I'm home for the summer, chilling with my family, resting so I don't have summer sickness anymore (who gets a throat infection in June!? That noise is for the winter!). So I've been using my free time to:

1. Make lots of cool new earrings, and making my parents' cats go nuts over the feathers (which I need to put up on Etsy, taking the photos and doing all the posting is a process)
2. Read (my Mom got an ipad, so she gave me her Kindle as a belated grad gift and it is AWESOME! Thanks, Mom)
3. Spend FAR too much time on the internet. LOL!

So, the first two are obviously productive, great things to do. The third, however, can sometimes be a little iffy. Sometimes it's a little too much of aimless browsing through facebook. (Yeah, I'll be honest, even though I'm sure lots of people are like, ew facebook stalker...get a life, you do it too, and if you think you don't you're in denial, Dolls!) Other times, though, I like to do my usual researching. Researching the careers of actors I admire, researching theatre history and current theatre news. Researching fashion from previous decades. Researching the birds who've lent me their feathers to make crafts and accessories...LOL! You know, just researching. Sometimes sitting on the internet can be as informative and well-spent as trip to the library. It's just not as aesthetically pleasing...and you don't have to be quiet.

Another thing I like to do on the internet is frequent,, and read celebrity blogs. Now, this is just a guilty pleasure, and a little trashy, and I'm sure than many people would say that young people like me are what's wrong with America today, we're obsessed with the media and celebs, blah, blah, blah. Well, those people are probably right, but they can still shove it because I've been watching Entertainment Tonight since age 2 and I'm never going to stop being interested in celebrity news and "who wore it better" and all that crap! LOL! I love Pop Culture and I don't care who knows it! Maybe, if I become a celebrity someday, I'll care less about it...but probably not...

Anyway, Gossip and Entertainment News Sites aside, the tidbit that I was getting to is that I like reading celebrity blogs because blogs are where celebs write from the heart, talk about their inspiring, charmed lives, happenings, friends, family, etc. I mean, there are totally those diva celebs out there, but I adore the ones who're funny, generous, and REAL. Like Taylor Swift, for example!

I was reading Taylor Swift's journal on her website, and I decided to read her bio. In it I found a quote about her hot album title, "Fearless", and what it means to her and it gave me some peace of mind:

“To me, fearless isn’t not having fears,” explains Swift. “It’s not that you’re not afraid of anything. I think that being fearless is having a lot of fears, but you jump anyway.”

Isn't that great? I totally loved it because, as I prepare for this big move to NYC, and grad school, and the next chapter in my life. I find myself bogged down my fears. I know that my fear won't stop me from going out there and doing it, but when I'm sitting home, under the weather, missing my friends, without a job (for the first time in years), unsure of so many crucial components of my situation next year...I forget that I am a pretty strong young soul and I KNOW I'M GOING TO JUMP ANYWAY!!!!!! :) What else would you do Paige? Housing will work out, finances will work out and I have the most amazing network of friends and family anyone could ask for, and lots of drive. It's all good. :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, and feeling healthier than I am. I love you and stay fabulous, All!
