Hi, Dollies!
So, I'm waiting for my laundry to dry (that and acne are the things that irks me the most about this new chapter in my life...I was so spoiled having my own washer and dryer all of those years, but if pulling a granny cart and doing your laundry in a laundromat is one of the most annoying things in your life, you're doing ok). I decided to take a break from memorizing lines to do a quick blog post. I've neglected it so.
So basically I'm in my 5th week of grad school, and I'm still very much in love. It's a little less novel now, but still very honeymooney. It's super BUSY (although 1st year is nothing compared to 2nd year), and challenging, and crazy, but it's the kind of work I want, and need, to be doing. I definitely feel like I made the right choice to take the financial risk to be a part of this program. My teachers are AMAZING, my class is full of kind, mature, intelligent, BRAVE, funny, supportive artists, and I'm so grateful to be doing what I'm doing.
I've settled into my new place. I love the location, and my roommates are fabulous. I wouldn't have traded the Pop House for anything (and I miss it very much), but, as a grad student, it's very refreshing to live with people who aren't theatre people. I live with a guy who works in engineering, a 3rd year law student, and an engineer, turned fashion design student. I love it. Love it. Love it.
I finished decorating my room, and I have a great space of my own. I lofted my bed, so I only get in my bed to sleep, which I love. I have an armchair for reading, and lounging, a nice little desk for working and journaling, a real closet this time, and space to pace when learning lines. I love it. Here are some pics (you may have seen them on fb):

So, yeah, I'm enjoying my place, I've settled into a nice routine. I feel like I'm to take much better care of myself here, than I did in undergrad: thanks to student loans, a rigorous, but not inhumane schedule, and the fact that I don't have to take GE's (therefore I make better use of your time because I'm doing what I'm love).
The things I'm learning in classes are so helpful and beautiful. I feel like I'm learning tools that'll carry me through sooo many diverse situations, productions, jobs, roles, whatever. We're learning how to think about ourselves, and acting, and art in such a healthy way. I really just can't even articulate the breadth of incredible concepts and techniques I feel like I've become aware of in these 5 weeks. I'm just blown away by all of it. I feel so blessed.
In school, my class and I are all working hard at freeing our natural voices with Kristin and Andrea, exploring Greek Tragedy with Ulla, Greek Comedy, Fables, and amazing movement training with "The Nicky Machine", learning various forms of dance from Livia, working on contemporary American/Canadian/British Scenes with Larry, and working on scenes from the American Classics with Andrei. In addition to our classes, we're The Chorus in a staged reading of Medeia, directed by Kristin, with some of the 2nd year actors as the principles. We'll all perform it for some of the undergrads at Columbia. TREAT!
On top of being immersed in what I love at school, Columbia offers the theatre students tons of free tickets, so I get to see lots of professional theatre. It's so great because I'm getting a feel for what's popular now, I feel a little more up-to-date with what's going on in the field I'd like to break into, and I get to see what I'm learning in action (whether it's working or not) and it's so helpful and informative. Plus, it's fun to attend things with friends and classmates. Loves it! I've estimated the amount all the shows I've seen would've cost so far, and it's something close to $1,600. Insane. I'm keeping a journal on all of the shows I get to see, and I try to diligently write reflections after every show. My faves thus far have been Brief Encounter, Next To Normal, The 39 Steps (it was just fun!), and La Bete (Mark Rylance is a genius).
I've been able to still have a little bit of social life. Work hard, play hard. I get to go out on weekends and stuff. I get to hang with my Pop Girls/Chico friends sometimes, and it's always fun! All of my new Columbia friends are gems. :)
Basically, I'm just sooooo grateful to be in NYC, in grad school. I'm grateful to have such amazing friends, family, and teachers in my life. I'm just trying to live life to the fullest, and enjoy each moment of this special time in my life.
I couldn't ask for too much more. I'm living my dream. I'm planning on finding time to make some jewelry again sometime soon, but for now I'm going to go memorize some lines.
I love you guys! Miss my fam and Chico/Cali friends. Keep me posted on your lives. Call me whenever, but be prepared to hear me gush ;). I'm also on skype now: paigepeachpatterson. Let's do it!